Garolla Granola


Years ago, while wandering one of the beautiful open-air markets in the Pacific Northwest, we happened upon the most amazing granola ever. 


We bought all we could carry, but eventually (even after portioning out teaspoonfuls at a time from the bottom of the last jar), the supply ran out. 

Not even an oat to be found. 

When we tried to track down the vendor from inside our bare cupboard in Austin, TX, we came up empty-bowled. 

And so, the quest for best-granola-ever began. 

We tried all pre-packaged and bulk versions available here in the hometown of organic-chain-grocery-store wonderland. To no avail. 

We ordered every online product with pretty pictures and "changed my life" testimonials. 

We had dream after dream of our favorite thick yogurt, topped with blueberries and the best granola EVER.  

Eventually the cookbooks came out. 

Granola had been made in our kitchen in the early-married years...but when our hippie-ness morphed into yuppie-ness, granola was abandoned for power bars and a 2-mile run. (Okay, we never actually made it to the run.)

There was a tattery-edged granola recipe in our files, though, so we got busy. 

But - nope - not it. 

We tweaked, stirred, baked, and ate no less than 50 pounds of so-so granola. Until it became better than the best EVER granola - Garolla Granola. 

We did the oats : nuts : honey ratio work so you don't have to. 

You won't find a better ready-to-eat granola anywhere. We promise.